Protestant Orphans Homes (POH), what about them is so important? When first approaching this research project I was not sure what question I was going to ask. Trying to narrow down my topic had it’s difficulties. At first, after doing… Continue Reading →
What I Learned: After completing my research on the effects women had on Protestant Orphans’ Homes I realized how much of a difference these women made to institutional care. Canadian POH were leaving behind old institutional care and were taking… Continue Reading →
The study of women in history has not always been a popular topic. As discussed in our classes the importance of women in the past has only become more noticed recently. This is due to the idea of equality not… Continue Reading →
This website is designed to give you insight into my learning experience in History 1120. Through this class we tried to dig deeper into the understanding of what history is. Originally we were asked what history is and how do… Continue Reading →
Reflection: I had never done a Primary document analysis before, and it really brought new perspective to how I will further to study history. Normally I only read other people’s interpretations of documents, and now that I have experienced creating… Continue Reading →
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